Returning to Education Brings Janny Full Circle

Returning to Education Brings Janny Full Circle

Janny Mall reckons she’s got the best of both worlds in her new role as Business Delivery Manager for Education Unlimited.

Why? Not only does she get to utilise her well-honed service delivery skills, but the position has brought her back to a sector she is passionate about. 

“I completed a Bachelor of Physical Education at the University of Auckland several years ago, and always knew I wanted to find my way back to education somehow,” says Janny. “I love the concept of providing learners with invaluable skills that will enhance their lives and help them contribute meaningfully to society.”

Janny’s degree enabled her “to amalgamate my love of education with my love of physical activity”, however after university she ended up managing big chain gyms, leading a service delivery team in an immigration consultancy and helping coordinate programmes of work in a state-owned horticulture and agriculture enterprise.

“My work experience was the springboard to many of the skills I’m using now. I’ve finally come full circle back into education, and I couldn’t be happier about it.”

As Education Unlimited’s Business Delivery Manager, Janny’s work focuses on consolidating and streamlining processes, overseeing project delivery and boosting business efficiencies.

“I like to say my superpower is streamlining chaos! I help optimise business processes, oversee the delivery of projects and programmes, and work on continuous improvements for our growing team and portfolio of amazing project partners. Since Education Unlimited has such tight knit team who work closely together, I get to put on multiple hats which I enjoy because it keeps me learning.”

Since joining the team at the start of 2024, Janny has developed a robust framework to support the future growth of the company.

“Education Unlimited is in an exciting phase of growth and transition, with lots of exciting projects in the pipeline and opportunities to grow and develop our team. More and more employers are seeing the value of education in the workplace, with many businesses returning to us for workplace training because they’ve witnessed the results and benefits first-hand. We have also developed several new partnerships as more organisations prioritise investing in their people – their greatest asset.”

With the chance to attend some Education Unlimited graduation ceremonies, Janny has already discovered the power these training programmes have to transform people’s lives.

“It’s really rewarding to see how excited learners are when they receive their certificates. It puts all their hard work into perspective, creates a moment of pride and reminds them of what they can achieve.”

Would she ever consider becoming an Education Unlimited trainer? “Yes! At Education Unlimited we deliver tailor-made leadership and mental health programmes which I would enjoy being part of the delivery for. Building great leaders and advocating for mental health is something I am deeply passionate about. That feeling of contributing to a community and seeing learners have their lightbulb moment is pretty hard to beat.”

As a lifelong learner herself, Janny makes the most of every opportunity to build skills and knowledge, both in and out of the workplace.

“In my free time I love spending time with my family. You’re also likely to find me re-organising our home or outside on a good day, hiking, running or playing sport. However, as much as I love adrenalin and activity, I also enjoy reading books, especially self-development books. There is always room for growth, and these gems provide you with different perspectives and outlooks on what that growth could look like.”

Travelling and immersing herself in different cultures is another passion for Janny, who speaks three different languages and is of mixed Thai and Laos heritage.

“My beloved late father is Thai, and my mother is Laotian, but they met here in New Zealand. Their selfless sacrifices and unconditional love have given me a deep sense of purpose and determination. Their influence inspires me to approach challenges with grace and resilience, striving always to honour their belief in me and make them proud.”

Although Janny was born and raised in Auckland, she embraces every opportunity she can to see the world and expand her horizons.

“My husband and I try and go somewhere new every year. Opening yourself up to new experiences helps you to learn, grow and contribute – change only happens when you fearlessly push through your boundaries of comfort.”